So why is this an issue? Outdoor access is known to affect our well-being.
According to Redrow’s survey, the majority of parents report a significant improvement in their child’s behaviour following a stint outdoors. They say they sleep better (47%), are less reliant on screens (37%), and are calmer (35%).
Lack of outdoor play is also leading to concerns regarding mental health and personal development. Parents said they were worried children would lack a sense of adventure (40%), have poorer mental health (34%), and have increased social anxiety (28%).
It’s not just children who can benefit from outdoor time. According to the Mental Health Foundation, nearly 45% of people in the UK said that visiting green spaces such as parks helped them cope during the pandemic. Research shows that people with access to nature are usually happier and feel positive emotions such as calmness, joy, and creativity. Nature-connectedness is also associated with better mental health.